Friday, December 27, 2013

Removing stitches after lisfranc hardware removal surgery

The morning after we arrived in Cabo, the swelling had gone down in my foot and my husband was ready to try and remove my stitches.

I could not wait!!

3 weeks post op after lisfranc hardware removal surgery

I thought I could do it on my own, but my hands were shaking too hard, so my husband took over.  The top of my foot was very sensitive, so he had to be very gentle.

Removing stitches after lisfranc hardware removal surgery

My husband took his time and made sure each thread of my 8 stitches was accounted for.

Removing stitches after lisfranc hardware removal surgery

After we were sure everything was done correctly, he adhered steri-strips to my incision to help hold it together.

3 weeks post op from lisfranc hardware removal surgery

I was now ready to do the "homework" my surgeon gave me.  He asked me to walk several times a day in the resort pools in order to begin to regain the proper movements for walking once again.

Relaxing by the pool after lisfranc hardware removal surgery

I was surprised to find that I had to once again, re-learn how to walk by repeating the mantra "heel, toe, follow through."

 I was not able to swim at all, and was actually content walking around the pool smiling to myself because I was walking again without pain!!!!!!

My homework assignment after lisfranc hardware removal surgery

As you can see, the pool was large enough to really get in a lot of walking!  Once I was able to walk without concentrating, I pushed my husband on a float around the pool while he read a book. Other guests asked me if they could hire me to do the same thing for them!

Recovering from lisfranc hardware removal surgery

I decided that recovering from lisfranc hardware removal surgery is best done in Cabo at the Esperanza resort!!!


  1. I underwent lisfranc surgery 2 weeks ago..being a diabetic , removing of the stitches is not yet confirmed...dunno whether the doc is gonna put a plaster for the bones yo unite

  2. Hi! I had lisfranc surgery also (in September) and went for another follow up today...doc mentioned that the lingering pain is prob from the hardware...i have 2 plates and 9 screws. He also assured me taking the everything out would not be anywhere near like it was the first time. im curious to see how you are doing now and how long it took you to recover from the removal...

  3. These are the major issues occurred in feet treatment and need a qualified podiatrist to get it treat properly.

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  4. How are you doing now? What was the name of your surgeon? Thanks

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