Thursday, July 18, 2013

The seduction of walking during lisfranc recovery

I honestly don't know what is happening to the logical part of my brain.  My foot is certainly screaming its' displeasure, but the seduction of walking, albeit it limping, is winning.

I am admitting that I am guilty of trying to do too much during my lisfranc surgery recovery.  Now that I have graduated to a cane, I am constantly tempted to walk too much, carry too much, and try to do too many of the daily household tasks.  

But my worse offense is that I am tempted to just skip the cane altogether and let myself limp around because it is simply faster to get to my desired destination.  

Tasting the exhilarating experience of walking like a regular breathing human again, while in the hydroWorx pool or in our swimming pool,  has made me thirsty to regain a normal walking life.  The temptation to repeat what I can do in the water on land has simply overtaken me.

After 2 hours of doing this and that around our house, my foot is not only swollen but I have a level 4 pain.  I'm finally admitting that I need to skip the rest of the household tasks I had planned for this morning and elevate and ice my foot once again.  I am, after all, due for an hour of Hydrowox therapy later this morning followed by attending a funeral.

I decided my challenge in the next few days will be to regain the ability to listen to my foot, and not give into the seduction of walking and regaining a normal life.  I have to slow down and plan more carefully how many steps realistically I can take in a day, with the aid of my cane. SIGH!!!!!

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